
We are so thankful for the wonderful friends and family God's given us! We are glad to share our lives with you. Enjoy your visit to our blog...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Ate Minda

This is Ate Minda (pronounced 'AH-tay' = older sister). Elijah loves her! Sometimes she can actually get him to take a nap, like he's doing here. Minda comes 3 days a week to help us, and she makes us delicious Filippino food. She is a huge blessing to our family!


Tasha said...

Julie and Todd,

So glad to have a way to catch up on what you've been doing. Mom just sent me the link. I've been thinking about you lately and wondering how your settling in process has been going. So glad that you found someone to help in the house and that it's working out well for you!

Blessings, Tasha

Sarah said...

YEA!!! A nap! Babies always look so peaceful and loveable when they sleep.

Borbe Bunch said...

Happy FIRST Birthday to that beautiful boy!!!!
We are thinking of you as you CELEBRATE!!!! God is so good!

I love that you have a blog!!!
How GREAT is God in providing for you help the you need and a loving buddy for Elijah!!! Hooray, God is good!
Praying for you, inspired by you and LOVE you.

Your friend and fellow mamma :)
Lizy ( you can definitely call me that Julie :)