I love these pictures of Elijah! His therapist was having him practice sitting without support on her lap, so it was a great time for me to catch a few shots of him having fun.
My heart has just melted in a big puddle all over the keyboard. Isn't he just the SWEETEST???
This is last weekend's sledding party with the youth group. Once again we notice changes from last year when we tried to do the same thing - he was so much happier and able to tolerate the cold for a bit! We're so thankful as we see these changes in Elijah that allow us to live in a more "normal" way, bringing him outside to play even in cold weather. And life is more fun for him, too!
Many of you know that we would like to have another child. Lately I have been dealing with some grief and fears of never having more babies...and the ache in my heart has been a bit unbearable at times.
I can see, though, that these thoughts should help me to focus, to live purposefully as a mother to one very special boy. Of course I would like to have other children whom I can see grow up, learn to talk, run around, and do all the usual things of childhood. I won't minimize how much I long for and dream of those children. However, I don't want my unfulfilled desires to overshadow the tremendous joy I have today.
I have one precious son whom I love like none other. I have unfailing smiles to look forward to every morning. I have a gentle little soul to nourish and care for. I have small but shining joys in his accomplishments. I have someone who is helpless and dependent, who teaches me how to live before my God. And perhaps best of all, I can creep into my small boy's room at night to watch him sleep. And lean in close for a whiff of his sweetness. I love you, Elijah.
I love You, Father.
Thank you...thank you for all these joys and the reminders of Your goodness.
you are such an inspirational and beautiful mama. I don't think it is wrong for you to want more children! you are doing so beautifully WELL with your one! The Lord honors that. I love how you take pleasure in Elijah's smallest accomplishments. No doubt, being a first time mother to him has taught you much.
I love how Elijah looks like a perfect combonation of you and your husband!! He is doing great! And you are a care-full and brilliant mother.
Hi Julie. I have commented before and am the momma with two special kids (only kids). Even though our paths are not the same, I thoroughly understand longing to 'grow' a typical child. I wrote to you back in the spring that after four years of prayer, we felt the Lord say we could go ahead and try for a third. And so we were expecting again. Oh how I longed to have ONE typical child! But the Lord saw fit to take that little one Home at 16 weeks. So naturally we wondered if we had heard Him wrong? A very long story, short, we finally have closure and know the Lord has said 'no more' for our family. It grieves me deeply to feel that in my heart, but it also feels good to be sure. But I am the only 28 year old that I know of that is obsessed with the fact that I will never have grandchildren! Who thinks about that?! I do. I know the Lord gives us grace for each day and I know He will be with me as my friend's children marry and have babies. Sorry for my long note. I am praying for your family and for the Lord to give you another baby.
thank you, dear friends...you are sweet!
mrs. cassel, would it be possible to get your email address?
Oh, Julie... such a sweet fragrance of divine Presence comes out of your spirit...
I praise the Lord for allowing me to meet you! He knows the deepest yearning of your heart, He granted you what you asked for. Such a wonderful Daddy we have! :)
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