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Sunday, July 25, 2010

getting ready...

I am astonished at how quickly the time is going by - just five weeks until our little boy will join the world, Lord willing! (I am planning to have the baby about a week early, at my doctor's advice...either via induction or c-section.)

It feels like I want everything to be "perfect" in my surroundings as things get closer. I know that's never realistic since we are actually living life and not in a magazine spread, but the pile of papers on my desk right now threatens my sanity, for real!

God has been teaching me the past few days about choosing what is important in life, and sometimes that takes priority over having a perfect house. Sometimes it means leaving dishes in the sink while I chat with my husband in the evenings. If I waited until my kitchen sparkled with order and "perfection", my husband would be asleep, or so groggy conversation would be impossible! Sometimes choosing what's important means playing with Elijah...and not letting my mind wander to the vacuuming or laundry or my grocery list.

I wish those kind of choices came easier for me! I confess, it's so easy to put a higher value on tangible accomplishments than close, connected relationships and having fun with people.

Help me, Lord, to ask You what's important during my days. Life is short...I want to live for what's lasting and eternal and lovely. Thank you for my husband and my little boy (soon to be two little boys)!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post. I have been learning the same from our Lord that you shared. Thank you for sharing!
I have been and will continue to pray for you, friend.

Jen Schwab said...


I hear you on this too! We frequently come back to me feeling like the house isn't 'perfect' and my struggle to live real life instead of living in a mag spread. It's nice to know I'm not alone.

Hope you are feeling good now that you are nearing the end of the pregnancy. Wish we lived closer and I could come over and help you clean and bring you a meal!

Take care friend!

Amanda said...

I think you put into words exactly how I feel many days too! About the house being tidy and the stack of papers on the desk being such a threat to calmness! Speaking of, tonight I need to ignore it and take advantage of the opportunity to sleep. Love ya and am SO excited for your baby to arrive.

Jenni said...

Hey Julie! was thinking about you and your little one to come, today! I'm glad that you're gonna get to meet him a week early, but I'm soooo jealous! I've been feeling the same way with my house, I hurt my back and it's been so hard to be thankful when I'm just sitting and looking at the messes pile up when all I want to do is get up and clean for this baby! Will continue to pray for you and a safe and happy arrival of your little one!