Although we know it's not final yet, it feels like an enormous change is in the wind. We're so thankful for the peace of God that guards our hearts and minds, knowing that as we 'make' the decisions, God is the One guiding our paths.
I was reading through some of the therapist's reports from a recent clinic Elijah attended, and something caught my eye. She listed him as Level 5, which is the lowest grading level for cerebral palsy and means that, statistically speaking, he will not ever crawl, walk, or be able to move himself around in any way. Somehow I had hoped (and still do) for a miracle in that area. God knows the ache our hearts carry around every day, and he knows the physical aches we feel as we care for our sweet boy who is just starting out on this journey. Still, He says these things - these aches - are "light and momentary" and are achieving for us "an eternal glory that far outweighs them all". So we are to focus not on what is seen (an impossibly heavy burden), but what is unseen and eternal.
Help me, help me, Lord, when I feel like I'm drownin'. Help me when discouragement threatens to choke my heart. It's just about today, right, Lord? Trusting You for today. I don't have to walk the paths ahead until we get there. You'll be there then, just like You are now, carrying my aching heart and body, lifting the burdens that are too heavy.
Thank you for the unseen, the eternal glory coming up ahead. How my heart longs to make a run for that day! When are you coming for us, Lord?
Hi friend...praying for you as you adjust to what God has for you. We likewise are adjusting and seeing God lead us...
I so want to talk with you soon!!! HOPE TO! :)
Love ya and here for you.
I am also praying that prayer for you, Julie.
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